Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What Is Natueco Farming ?

Natueco farming follows the principles of eco-system networking of nature in our farming system. It is different from organic or natural farming both in philosophy and practice. It offers an alternative to the commercial, heavily chemical's techniques of farming. It emphasizes harvesting the sun through a critical application of scientific inquiries & experiments that are rooted in the neighborhood resources. It depends on developing a thorough understanding of plant physiology, plant geometry of growth, plant fertility and plant biochemistry. This is achieved by a process called `Demystification of Science'.
Prayog Pariwar has demonstrated that dissemination of relevant and often sophisticated science can be achieved in the local idioms of the common man. This can be very effective in bringing about a `gray matter revolution'. With a new techniracy (=technical literacy) for the management of soil, water, and canopy of leaves, it promises record assured yields with minimal external inputs and optimal harvesting of sunlight.

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